On your next vacation, be sure to consider Ponce, Puerto Rico. With is neoclassical buildings and beautiful landscape you are sure to have a relaxing time. There are plenty of things to enjoy, both inside and out. The best things to do in Ponce are the ones of historic interest. Founded by Ponce De Leon’s’ grandson, the city is steeped in history and culture. Currently a hub of commerce, Ponce boasts one of the busiest ports in the Caribbean.
You will want to visit the Tibes Indian Ceremonial Center. Dating over one thousand years, the Taino Village allows you to see history up close. Everything from buildings and skeletons are on display, much of the items you will see are still very much intact.
You will certainly want to take time to wander around the downtown plaza. In addition to the shopping and food, there is a historical firehouse that is now used as a museum. Take in the sights, sounds and historic buildings. Be sure to visit the board walk which is named “La Guancha Paseo Tablado. You will be immersed in with the locals, from the teens milling around, to the grandpas holding fort on the benches. Every weekend there is a boat that you can take to one of the local islands for swimming and relaxation.
For some incredible views of the sea, visit El Vigia Hill. You can view the sea from a board walk and the surrounding areas. It is a breathtaking view, one that you certainly will not want to miss.
While on the island, be sure to take in some food native to the area, your palate will not be disappointed. Take time to learn something new, relax and have a good time.