If you are looking for an awesome jungle, beach getaway then Punta Cana, Dominican Republic is a must do. With crystal clear waters, awesome lush rain forest and beautiful beaches this is a wonderful place to relax and plant your toes in the sand.
When you get there, head for the beach! Warm water and white sand can lull you to sleep and relax you. For some of you though, it will get your juices going and there is plenty to do. You can snorkel or scuba dive. You can go surfing, kayaking or big water fishing. Make sure to bring a camera to record your wonderful experiences.
If you visit the jungle, you can go zip lining or take a guided tour. There are inland lagoons that you must pass all kind of local vegetation to reach. Once at a lagoon, you will find very calm and clear waters to enjoy.
For the land lubbers, take in a Buccaneers dinner show and enjoy the pirates. There is a water park with thrills for grown-ups and the kids. There are also museums and cultural locations to learn more about the local culture.
For the adult crew, there is tons of active night life. Visit the Hard Rock Casino-be sure to buy a t-shirt as a souvenir! There are indoor and outdoor clubs, with awesome music and various themes.
For dining there are many options ranging from Caribbean to American cuisine. You can enjoy a desert bar or a full course meal. Whatever your taste there is something there to enjoy. For the shoppers, there are also many options. You can visit local shops or larger chains to purchase handmade items and souvenirs.
Have a good time and snap a bunch of photos! This is a trip that you won’t want to forget!