If you are looking to vacation in the Dominican Republic, then Samaná is an excellent destination. From the clear, blue water and white sands to the coconuts and parrots Samana is a Caribbean dream come true! Be sure to bring the sunblock and the camera, you will be using a lot of both! Swim in the pristine water, tour the island or relax at a beach bar-there is no limit to what fun you can have!
For those of you that want out in the fresh air visit one of many beaches. You will enjoy relaxing at the beach-if you want buy yourself a Caribbean cocktail. There are tons of options for the athletic to enjoy at the beach. Go surfing, kayaking or diving. If you are unable to dive, take snorkeling lessons. It is well worth it to be able to enjoy the tropical fish and the gorgeous coral reefs. A visit to the water to see the whales is an adventure you won’t ever forget!
For those of you who want to experience the jungle, there are many excursions available or you can forge your own path. There are gorgeous mountains and lush tropical foliage. You can also visit outdoor historical sights to take in the history of the area.
There are many historical aspects to the island. Founded when freed African slaves were dropped off there, the main language is English. You can visit many historical displays or even take a drive through the area on the Toll Road, which gives you views that are wonderful!
There are a variety of dining options on the island. There are restaurants ranging from American to French or German. For the grownups there are many bars or you could go to the casino.
Whatever your pleasure there is something for you to do. A trip you won’t forget!